
Breaking the cycle of bad exercise


Exercise without injury isn't a small goal- it's a vision for your health.  More than a 100 million Americans are living in chronic pain, chances are you know them and want to avoid joint pain in your exercise.  Your exercise needs to be effective, strategic and smart to ensure exercise longevity to be able to nurture your health as an asset.

This masterclass covers cognitive, neurological, and physiological changes that can occur in a thoughtful and effective exercise or workout.  It's time that we understand why most generic fitness and injury care advice is diluted, then acquire a deeper connection to mindful movement and how to apply a scientific method of change.

Get on the list:

  • Unconventional Wisdom 

    The ability to explore our own motion is an extraordinary privilege that has turned into what we 'must' do to accomplish superficial outcomes. The cumulative effects of injuries from youth sports, military service, sedentary adult jobs, and the overwhelming expectations of fitness culture to 'crush it' are not the formula for treating our body with the specificity that it deserves.

  • Conduct good MEsearch!

    The scientific thought process that almost all injury prevention programs dismiss or get wrong.  

     Once these mistakes are uncovered, topics related to exercise science, injury prevention and getting stronger to protect your body against injury will resonate with your health aspiration.

  • The Compounding Effect 

    Effective exercise can promote incredible healing benefits to joints and the brain.  Learn to leverage all the small improvements for full body wholistic strength gains.

  • Unlock Your Muscles!

    Warm-up techniques proven to improve flexibility and strength immediately

Ready to start making progress on injury-free exercise? 

Join the waitlist for Summer 2019

Get access to the first online offering of MovementRx

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Jenn Schwartz


BS/MS in Health and Fitness Management 

MATRx Full Body student

MATRx hand and foot specialist

ACSM certified Exercise Physiologist

Director of Injury Prevention & Fitness Alexandria Soccer Academy

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